How Does the Cost of a Temporary RV Rental Compare to a Hotel or Motel?

We can go on for days about the benefits of using rental RVs for your temporary housing and worksite needs, but at the end of the day, it mainly comes down to the cost. But, we’re not just talking about the financial expenses while those dollars are definitely important, any shrewd business owner knows that there are other costs involved in each and every decision they make. When dealing with clients, sometimes the cost of severing a good working relationship far outweighs the financial expense of a transaction.

Our Rates Are Comparable to Hotels and Motels

We keep up with industry trends and price our rentals comparably to national hotels and motels. Depending on the location where the RV rental is needed, rates may even be lower per day than local hotels and motels! Each location and scenario is different, so call us at (800) 656-8706 for a consultation and quote on your project’s needs.

Travel Savings Offset Rental Costs

When you’re housing a client during an insurance-related repair, you’re often liable for any extra travel expenses that the client incurs due to a difference in their commute to and from work. This is also true for employers who pay travel costs for employees being housed in hotels. When a hotel is far from the actual work site, extra gas, mileage, and maintenance costs start building up!

Temporary rental RVs that can be set up at a client’s home or a worksite eliminate a lot of these unnecessary and costly travel expenses. If a client stays on their own property during a home repair, they’re not incurring any additional travel costs for the insurance company to payout. And, employees who are housed on or near the worksite won’t incur additional travel expenses either.

Comfort and Convenience Create Money in Your Pocket

While we’ve talked so far about the actual financial cost of temporary rental RVs, we haven’t mentioned the way these RVs can put money back in your company’s pocket. By providing your clients and employees with comfortable, safe, and adequate lodging, you’re building a rapport and working relationship that will keep them using your services for years to come! That kind of customer trust is what makes companies great, and our RVs can help you achieve this for your business as well. Call us at (800) 656-8706 or contact us online today to schedule a free consultation, and find out how affordable and valuable temporary rental RVs can be for your housing needs!